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How To Disinfect Glass Jars?

How To Disinfect Glass Jars?

If you want to consume the summer vegetables and fruits also in winter, you can try to can them. However, it is extremely important to make sure that the jars that you will use in canning are well disinfected.

Disinfecting glass jars is the first and indispensable process of canning. It is necessary to pay attention to cleaning in order to remove fungi and bacteria from jars and to obtain dependable and natural products that can be preserved for a long time.

To disinfect glass jars, you can easily try boiling or using dishwasher, oven, or microwave oven for disinfection by your own means.

Boiling Method

Before starting the boiling process, you should check your jars for cracks or cracks. If you intend to reuse your jars, you should prefer new lids instead of used ones.

Place the glass jars in a deep and large pot with their mouths facing up. To prevent the jars from contacting each other while being boiled, you can place a clean cotton cloth between them.

After filling the pot with cold water, boil them for 30 minutes. After 20 minutes, you can also place the lids in the pot. When the 20-minute period expires, you can let your jars cool down on a clean cloth in upside down position. In the boiling method, always consider the period of boiling. Excessively boiled jars can pose a risk.

Dishwasher Method

Dishwasher method is extremely easy to apply. You can wash the jars and lids at a high temperature after placing them in your dishwasher. When the process finishes, you can take the jars out of the dishwasher and wait for them to dry.

Alternatively, after putting the jars and lids in your dishwasher, you can wash them at a high temperature for a few minutes and then take them out for rinsing with vinegar. You can then put the jars back in the dishwasher and wash them again for a few more minutes. You can wait for them to dry by being placed them upside down on a clean kitchen towel.


Oven Method

Disinfecting glass jars in an oven is also among the practical methods. Turn on your oven at a temperature between 100 to 130 degrees Celsius. Since the jars may break, do not exceed this temperature range. Place the jars on the tray so that they do not touch each other and put them in the oven. After keeping them in the oven for 5 minutes, turn off the oven. While the oven is still hot, you can leave the lids to cool in the oven for 20 minutes. 


Microwave Method

You can use microwave ovens to disinfect jars. But do not use this method for lids. For this reason, you can prefer the microwave method for warm foods such as jams. Fill the jar with water and put it in the microwave and leave there for 2 to 3 minutes until it boils. You can then pour off the water and dry your jar upside down on a clean cloth.  


Points to Consider when Disinfecting Glass Jars

When disinfecting your glass jars, you should pay particular attention to the lids. You are advised no to disinfect glass old jar lids. However, if you still want to disinfect these lids, you should choose the method that is most suitable for this process.

Whichever method you choose, your first priority should always be your safety. Undesirable results may be encountered as glass jars tend to break and blast during this process. For this reason, you should take measures to minimize the risks.

There is no need to consider a certain time period in disinfecting glass jars. The period in question is directly proportional to the way and period you use glass jars. You can wear gloves to prevent contamination of glass jars, especially when removing them from the pots.

The use of gloves both protects the hygiene of the newly disinfected glass jar and prevents the formation of bacteria and also eliminates the risks such as burning your hand. You can conduct the process by following the steps.

Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.