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Electronic Commercial Message Rules and Information Text

Sarkap Internal and Foreign Trade. Inc. (“Sarkap”), within the scope of Electronic Communications Law No. 5809, Law No. 6563 on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce, Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (“KVKK”) and related legislation, regarding sending commercial electronic messages and processing, storing and transferring your personal data. In order to inform you, this Electronic Commercial Message Rules and Information Text have been prepared.


In this context, your name, surname and e-mail information you have shared, to be used in marketing communications if you give your permission; execution of communication within the scope of marketing activities, planning and execution of marketing processes, execution of marketing activities; service, promotion, announcement, event, advertisement, promotion, etc. For the purposes of sending commercial electronic messages through the channels you have given your consent for, commercial electronic message will be processed based on the consent condition in accordance with the sixth article of the Law No. 6563 on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce and on the legal grounds of express consent in accordance with the first paragraph of the fifth article of the KVKK.


You can withdraw your express consent at any time, if you withdraw your consent for sending electronic commercial messages, it will be deemed that you have withdrawn your express consent.


Your personal data/data will be used by Sarkap directly or through data processors and shared with Sarkap's business partners and suppliers in line with the realization of the stated purposes.


You can submit your requests regarding your rights listed in Article 11 of the KVKK to the Data Controller through the channels specified in the General Information Text in accordance with the Communiqué on Application Procedures and Principles.



Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.