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Our Collaborations

Nefis Yemek Tarifleri

Saving starts with cans! We set out with this slogan and started to research how to find the most practical and at the same time delicious recipe. So that our dear followers can easily access the most delicious canned tomato sauce and menemen tomato recipes, we have been a guest in the kitchen of Nefis Cooking Recipes, one of the most reliable and sincere food channels of Youtube.

While the recipes in the Delicious Recipes kitchen were carefully prepared by our dear Elif and Yasemin Atalar, we also kept a record of these moments with great enthusiasm in order to share these moments with you, our esteemed followers.

Münhan Çınar

The best way to make jam! We made orange jam together with Münhan Çınar, who is a symbol name with her beautiful and unique recipes on social media. Münhan Çınar, along with his precious mother, touched on the making of jam, one of the indispensable winter foods, step by step, and highlighted the tricks throughout the video.

After carefully preparing the orange jam, it was filled into glass jars to be eaten during the winter season. The mouths of the jars were closed with Sarkap's high quality jar lids with beautiful patterns.

Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.